Embed your Commonplace onto your own website to create a seamless experience for your visitors.
By using Commonplace Embed visitors to your website don't have to click away to contribute. Meaning less friction and more contributions.
See how NHS Imperial used Commonplace Embed >
You can use Commonplace Embed for both maps and proposal surveys offering. As a result you can place the elements of your Commonplace where and when you want on your site.
Accessing Commonplace Embed is easy - no complicated coding, simply using an 'Iframe' which is a small edit to the URL.
Our Engagement team can easily show you how this works!
Promote and build awareness of your engagements and get more people to participate.
Collect suggestions and ideas from your community on a range of different topics
Explore and understand real-time community insight with ease.
Continually engage throughout the process, share updates and build trust.