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Waterways & Blue Spaces

Community engagement for waterways made easy

Ensuring local communities know of and are involved in the plans for your local waterways.

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Waterways community engagement

How we help you

Empower local residents to shape the future of your outdoor environments with Commonplace, the all-in-one SaaS platform for active engagement. Our user-friendly tools bridge the gap between local authorities and developers, fostering a collaborative approach to revitalizing waterspaces, canals, and creating more pleasant outdoor spaces. Through interactive features like online maps, polls, and open forums, Commonplace fosters open dialogue, allowing residents to share their vision for these vital areas. This collaborative approach leads to higher buy-in and a sense of shared ownership, ultimately resulting in more successful and sustainable projects. Leverage resident insights to identify areas for improvement, prioritise features, and ensure your waterfront developments truly meet community needs. Commonplace empowers you to create vibrant, thriving outdoor spaces that residents will cherish for years to come.

Waterways Customer Examples

engage people in waterways
  • 1


    Promote and build awareness of your engagements and get more people to participate.

  • 2


    Collect suggestions and ideas from your community on a range of different topics.

  • 3


    Explore and understand real-time community insight with ease.

  • 4


    Continuously engage throughout the process, share updates and build trust.


1. Reach

Your audience with brand visibility

Infuse your project site and emails with your own visual identity. Incorporate a custom colour palette, logos, images, and more.

+ 22 more Reach features

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 10.38.52

2. Engage

With our Showcase Features

Construct dynamic images complete with hover zones, strategically placed hotspots and other interactive elements. Whatever you want to show, we've got you covered.

+38 more Engage features




3. Analyse

Any place, any time

Easily generate and export charts of the responses you've collected. Add to reports, your own presentations and more.

+ 15 more Analyse features

Email Campaign Mangement - Automate re-engagement campaigns-1

4. Collaborate

And keep in touch with respondents

We'll help you get your respondents reengaged! All commenters automatically receive follow up emails to their contribution to keep them updated on the project.

+ 14 more Collaborate features

Proud to support 

Customer Stories

"Working with Commonplace to adapt the system for use in Wales has been really straightforward and efficient... One of the reasons the Welsh Government chose Commonplace as our preferred supplier for  online engagement was they had different tools available to suit different engagement stages"

Jane Lorimer

Jane Lorimer

Project Officer - Welsh Government

The London Borough of Haringey, wanted to put the community at the centre of their Climate Action Plan. Using Commonplace, they sought the opinions of local residents and businesses to understand their views and ideas to help reach net zero carbon by 2041.

Harringey Logo


London Borough

"Commonplace is so instant and interactive, that we can reach a massive audience with it... this instantly gets the message out there straight away to as many people as we want which is absolutely brilliant."

Amy Priestley

Amy Priestley

Urban Designer - Waltham Forest
  • Welsh Government Logo
  • Haringey Logo
  • Waltham Forest LB logo
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