7 Key principles for engaging online public consultations

By Fee Schmidt-Soltau | 11/01/17 18:14
Writing content for the web is a bit like creating content for a flyer. The content needs to be succinct and immediately engaging. It needs to have a clear call to action and above all, it needs to be relevant for your audience.
Keep it simple – Imagine you are explaining your project to a person who does not know anything about it yet. Remember you may have contributors for whom English is a second language.
By applying the 7 key principles you give your public engagement phase the best chance of engaging the greatest number of people.
1. Short sentences.
2. Use titles. Break up the content.
3. Avoid jargon and acronyms.
4. Use questions.
5. Communicate visually.
6. Use diverse media.
7. Meet accessibility standards.