Commonplace is ISO 27001 certified

By Amy Outterside | Sep 16, 2021 12:38:18 PM
1 min read
We’re really happy to announce that we’re officially ISO 27001 certified!
What is ISO 27001?
Alone, the term ISO 27001 doesn’t say much about anything. Its full name however, alludes a little more to what this certification looks at, which is ISO/IEC 27001 - Information technology - Security Techniques - Information security management systems - Requirements.
But what does all of that mean? ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for information security. ISO stands for the International Organisation for Standardisation who decided on the standard in partnership with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Both are leading international organisations which develop international standards.
The purpose of ISO 27001 is to help organisations of any size from any industry protect their information in a cost-effective and systematic way through adopting an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
Why is ISO 27001 so important?
The standard provides companies with essential understanding for protecting their valuable information. Also, companies can be certified against ISO 27001, proving to their customers and partners that it safeguards their data.
Whilst ISO 27001 is an incredibly important certification to have, there are a limited number of companies that have achieved this level of security. According to the latest survey (2019) fewer than 3,000 UK companies have ISO 27001. We're proud to be part of that 3,000!
Main security objectives
ISO 27001 protects three main aspects of information:
- Confidentiality: only authorised persons have access to information.
- Integrity: only authorised persons can change information.
- Availability: information must be accessible to authorised persons whenever it is required.
What does all of this mean for our users?
Ultimately, by being ISO 27001 certified, our engagement partners and our community users can rest assured that their information is safe, and our company information is also protected. This enables Commonplace to continue to grow in a safe and well managed security environment. We are also happy to consider any questions you may have about information security at Commonplace.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch.