Crowdsourcing ideas for the ‘Park of the Future’

By Mike Saunders | 25/06/20 11:52
2 min read
With the nation living in lockdown, the ability to go outside, exercise and get fresh air has never been more important. For those who are able to do so, meeting up in local green spaces for a release from the pandemic has become a lifeline for ‘socially distanced’, social interactions during lockdown.
The power of the park should not be underestimated, being able to play and relax in our green spaces is crucial for our physical and mental health. With increased popularity, come increases in requirements, particularly in a socially distanced society. What changes would you make to your local green space to improve the way it services you and your community?
Parks of the future
We are asking city dwellers across London to do exactly that. The nation’s capital is home to over 3,000 parks, many of which have been welcomed oasis for Londoners to escape to over the past 3 months. As part of the London Festival of Architecture, we want to crowdsource ideas from people who use these green spaces, about how they imagine them in the future as places to exercise, socialise, relax and enjoy.
How does it work?
Drop a pin on the map to comment on a green space in London that means something to you. In a few clicks, share your suggestions by filling out a few questions about how the park can be improved. This is your chance to give recommendations on how your green spaces can be improved. Click here to access the map.
Why are we doing it?
We believe in the power of digital to allow meaningful engagement about the future of green spaces in London. This is an opportunity for a big conversation that enables people to what the local community think about their parks. We hope this will spark creativity and produce imaginative suggestions for how they could be evolved over the next decade.
What will be done with the information gathered?
The aim of the project is to create a source of evidence to develop future concepts, including designs and recommendations. This is the first step, to crowdsource community feedback, before we can then use them to inform designs.
Whilst we cannot promise that your ideas will all get implemented, we will be working with partners to develop a series of designs that can help these places become even more valuable and ‘future proofed’. By taking part you will be contributing to a collective vision for the future of London’s parks and green spaces.
Who is leading the project?
The project is a collaboration between a diverse group of organisations that share one thing in common; a deep interest in the future of London's green spaces. Joining the City of London Corporation, who own parks and commons from Hampstead Heath to Epping Forest, are the urban design teams of the London Collective and Dar Group, Siemens Smart Infrastructure, London National Park City, Commonplace and the mental health charity the Frank Bruno Foundation.
We’d love to hear from you. The London Festival of Architecture exists to democratise the discussion about architecture and across London. This year’s theme is ‘power’, and we hope that by setting up this project, we can give Londoners the power to help shape the green spaces they love.
To get involved, access the map via this link and share your ideas.